There is a new blog published each day Monday to Friday with links below to the Blogs this week if you would like to catch up or revisit a Blog.
Read Monday’s Blog Here
Read Tuesday’s Blog Here
Beside The Burn
A short Advent devotional video each day.
Pray for the four church families within Olkinyei who will be distributing God’s Word in the community. Pray that through the Scriptures and the prayers of God’s people, many would come to know and love Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.
Christian Church of Sumba (GKS), Indonesia Pray for General Chairperson of the Executive Board of Synod, Rev Marlin Lomi and General Secretary Rev Jacob Malo Bili, that they would know God’s guidance and encouragement as they serve him in these leadership roles.
Word For Today
You may well have the printed copy of the Word For Today but you can also read it at the link below.
The prayer points for this week.
December 10th – December 16th
Pray for Belfast CU Citywide Carol Service on Wednesday 13th December. Praise God for how fruitful this service has been in the past. Please pray for unity amongst the students of Belfast and that they would be courageous in inviting friends along to this service. Pray for CUI Team days 14-15th December. Pray this would be a refreshing time as all the team gather together for a time of teaching and fellowship.
December 17th – December 23rd
Pray for international students as many travel home for the holidays. Pray for safety as they travel back and that relationships and connections they have made with CU students here would continue to grow. Pray for CU’s across the Island as they finish for the semester. Praise God for His goodness to CU’s and pray students will be able to find rest throughout the holidays.
Open Doors - World Watch List
Open Doors has updated the World Watch List. The list of countries where it is most dangerous to be a Christian in 2023.
The full list can be found here
This week the focus is on Central African Republic the 24th most dangerous country in the world to be a Christian. Read about it here
Best Times For Yesterday’s Puzzle:
Eddie 2:38
Jean 2:40
Derek 2:48
More Winter Photos from 2010
Play the "Burnside Wednesday" puzzle!