It seems a long time since we last had any rain, almost as long as Lockdown, and more is on the way today.
Today in Luke 24 Jesus appears before the disciples in the middle of a locked room. The disciples are amazed at what they see, even though they have already heard that Jesus is alive. We also know that Jesus is alive but sometimes we display our doubt by limiting what we think Jesus can do. Tommy Bruce today asks a very challenging set of questions.
Is your mind closed to the possibilities of what God is doing? You have read the promises in his Word, you have heard the first-hand accounts from others of what he has done.
Take time to ask yourself, am I really allowing Jesus to be Lord, or do I live with an image of him as little more than an upgraded version of myself?
Do we think that we could be like Jesus, if only we put in a little more effort? If only we were a bit more dedicated then we could perhaps reach that same level. Jesus, however is not just an upgraded version of ourselves He is completely different. He is perfect, without sin, and we do not try to climb up to his level, instead we fall down as low as we can and accept his perfect life, in place of our sinful life. Jesus doesn’t just make bits of our lives a little better, He changes all of our lives completely.
The prayer meeting in Burnside normally takes place on a Wednesday morning. There is a loyal group of folk gather every Wednesday to pray for the members of the congregation, the community and the world. This group of prayers have continued to Pray At Home every Wednesday during Lockdown. Today we are pleased to welcome all of you to our Virtual Prayer Room. A place on the church Website where you can go any time you want to pray.
You can access the Virtual Prayer Room here. (There is also a Link on the front page of the Website)
You will find lots of sections to help you and guide you in your praying. Set a time each day or week to go into the room and pray, or just drop by anytime, for a few moments, when you want to spend some time in God’s presence. There will always be more content being added so do come back often.
After joining us for Good Friday, Lee has very kindly recorded another service for us in Burnside. You can watch the service here.
Arthur has sent his latest prayer update. You can read it at the link below.
Last night the Castletown Park Neighbours featured on the BBC News.
Remember I mentioned them on 17th April 2020
Through the Valley
How do you respond when you’re going through a difficult time? Dr John Andrews explores this in his latest book Beyond Broken – Finding Power in the Pain. He joined Paul Hammond for an episode of Life Issues on UCB and shared how God can work through the valley. Find out more here.
More Photos from Portstewart
These were taken on Monday