We have begun a series in Paul’s letter to the Philippians - Finding Joy Right Here. Paul reminds us that we are citizens of Heaven but we still have to live right here everyday as disciples of Jesus Christ. Each day we have a short devotional video based on some verses from the letter.
On Sunday I mentioned some of the first converts in Philippi and one was the Jailer who asked, “What must I do to be saved?” Here is a song from Ian White all about the Jailer’s conversion.
Let’s Pray For Eleanor Drysdale (deaconess in Wellington, Ballymena) Pray as the congregation prepares for organisations to resume in September. Some need both leaders and helpers. Pray for wisdom and guidance and that people will step up to serve God.
Aghada & Trinity CorkThank God for new faith in the congregations post-Covid. Ask for the Holy Spirit to bless them with a reformation of beliefs, repentance from sin and revival throughout Cork and Kerry. |
“Reading Between The Lines” a series working through the bible looking at the well known phrases.
6 Things To Tell Yourself
J. I. Packer on the 6 Things You Should Telll Yourself Every Day. I am a child of God. God is my Father. Heaven is my home. Every day is one day nearer. My Savior is my brother. Every Christian is my brother too. READ MORE HERE |
44 Activities for Kids That Don't Involve Screens
Alternatives to Screen Time Most Christian parents would like their children to spend less time in front of a screen. But wanting something is a lot easier than making it happen! READ MORE HERE |
Jen Wilkin spoke at TGC’s 2021 National Conference on the topic of “Female Bravery and the Mission of God.”
Walking through Scripture, Wilkin relayed stories of women who feared God rather than men and stood against the Serpent, risking their very lives. The imagery revealed in the stories, she taught, is the metaphor necessary for the modern church to understand in order to also be shrewd as a serpent and innocent as a dove—overcoming the enemy that wages war against our very souls.
The times for yesterday’s Jigsaw
Jean 2:24
Derek 2:31
Eddie 3:10
Play the "Royal Mile Tuesday" puzzle!