Each week day this Blog contains prayer topics, articles, a short devotional video and a Jigsaw.
This week we ask, “Who Are You Jesus?” And we get the reply in John 6, “I Am … The Bread Of Life!”
There are also links below to the previous Blogs this week, so that you and catch up on any that you have missed.
Read Monday’s Blog Here
Read Tuesday’s Blog Here
Read Wednesday’s Blog Here
Read Thursday’s Blog Here
Beside The Burn
A short devotional video (Above) to watch each day.
Or listen to via the Podcast software on your phone https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/burnside
Let’s Pray For Elder abuse
Often as people age, they feel pushed aside and undervalued. Pray that as a society we celebrate and take care of older people in our communities. Pray for the protection of older people from abuse perpetrated by those in whom they often have an expectation of trust. Give thanks for organisations which aim to prevent such abuse by raising awareness, providing advice and guidance, and influencing and informing policies in this area.
Emergency Services
Give thanks for those who work in the emergency services including those in our congregations, especially following the extreme weather we've had in recent weeks. Pray that in the midst of many pressures that God would grant them safety as they work, and equip them with the strength and stamina that they need.
General Council
This week – on Monday – many of those members of staff who have retired from Assembly Buildings will be meeting for a lunch which will be hosted by the Moderator. Give thanks for the staff team – both past and present, praying for those in their retirement years and also praying that those currently employed will know God’s strength and direction as they face opportunities and challenges in the year ahead.
Training in Ministry
At the start of a new year, many people take stock and consider how the Lord may be leading them. Pray that the Lord would prompt the people of his choice to explore a call to ministry of Word and sacrament. Pray for Prof Dave Leach, as he meets with enquirers and seeks to advise them on how to explore a call to ministry.
Word For Today
You may well have the printed copy of the Word For Today but you can also read it at the link below.
Please note that there could be some additional articles or videos after the Jigsaw.
Derek 2:47
Jean 3:28
Eddie 4:07
Best Times For Yesterday’s Puzzle:
Play the "Beach Friday" puzzle!
On the Blog this week, I will be mentioning a bible study book for our new series -
“Who Are You Jesus? I Am …”
I will not be following the book in detail but you may find it a helpful companion to the series.
There is nothing complicated in the study but it will take a bit of time to use it properly. There is a week of study for each I Am saying, but I reckon you would be doing well to complete it in the month between studies. I will make reference to it on the blog after each Sunday. You can buy it in local bookstores or on Amazon (link below) Normally £11.99 but on special offer on Amazon at £9.56 at the moment. On Sunday we will be thinking about Jesus as The Bread Of Life and this is one way to feast on Him.