The Moderator today, writing about Luke 12:22-31 says,
Twice here Jesus gets us to ‘consider’ the world around us.
We’re to look at the ravens (v24)
and we are to gaze at the wild flowers (v27).
We are left in no doubt as to what Jesus wants us to learn –
we have no need to worry because all around us
we can see the evidences of God’s care and blessing.
Wilma has asked us to consider in her Thoughts On Tueday,
the birds last week and this week the gardens.
We have so much to give thanks to God for,
and William at the end of Tides today points us to this song,
“My heart is filled with thankfulness”.
Give thanks to God as you listen to it.
Wednesday Evening Quiz 7:00pm
You are invited to join us tonight, Wednesday for a short quiz via Zoom. I know that some of you have been using Zoom to keep in touch with family or for work meetings. We haven’t tried this before so we are going to try a Burnside meet up for half an hour on Wednesday evening, 27th May 2020 7:00pm - 7:30pm. You can either take part in the quiz or simply watch and listen to what is going on. If you would like to take part please email [email protected] and I will send you the meeting code and password. It is the same code that was in the Saturday email this week. Join at 6:55pm and be ready to start at 7:00pm. You will need some paper, a pen and a lot of patience |
Each Wednesday on the Blog we take the Theme of Prayer, so most of the articles concern prayer today. Why not take a moment to Trypraying.
There is an incredibly dedicated CUI Prayer support group that meets monthly in Burnside to pray for the work of CUI in Coleraine, Magee, Letterkenney and through out Ireland. Earlier this month CUI gathered students, supporters and staff from across the island of Ireland, online to pray, below is a short highlights video from the day of prayer that will help you and encourage you and guide you in your prayers for CUI.
Pete Greig - From the 24/7 Prayer (You may remember the Prayer Course that we completed on Wednesday evenings last year) tweeted the following about prayer.
Can I be honest with you? I'm actually not into prayer. I’m into Jesus, so we talk.
I don’t believe in the power of prayer. I believe in the power of God. So I ask for his help. A lot.
I'm not into evangelism. I hate evangelism! I'm into Jesus. So I talk to people about him.
During Trypraying we were praying for three friends, at the moment the Church Of England are encouraging people to pray for 5 friends. Here are 5 excellent ideas to help motivate us to pray.
Listening To God
What does it mean to listen for God's voice? We hear it all the time, but HOW do we actually do that? This episode of 'Mark & Mark at Full Volume' talks about the different ways that God speaks to us. Click below to listen! |
Prayer 2020 is praying for 20 minutes on the 20th of each month at 20:20 (8.20pm) that God will give many opportunities to speak about Jesus. You can still watch the last 20-minutes of prayer
Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement which invites Christians around the world to pray between Ascension and Pentecost (21 May-31 May) for more people to come to know Jesus Christ.
Here are five great ways to join in this time of prayer.
Kingdom Come Prayer
This is a new Hymn from Stuart Townend and, Keith and Kristyn Getty, it will feature this week in the Getty Family Hymn Sing, so start practicing.
There are certain milestones that you reach in ministry, sometimes you are pleased with your achievements, other times you wonder where it all went wrong. Lockdown has brought new opportunities and challenges, and today I can announce a new record of 5357 views online, sadly not for one of my sermons but for a Jigsaw. The Jigsaw of the trees in Coleraine covered in snow at the last count has been attempted 5357 times.
I can safely say, I never thought this would ever be part of my ministry. In a week where I appeared on TV for my walking skills rather than my preaching skills, perhaps I need to use lockdown to take a long hard look at where my life is going. (Usually the jigsaws get about 40-50 attempts)
Times for yesterday’s puzzle of the Giant’s Causeway -
Derek 6:55
Lynne 10:54
The puzzle today picks up the theme of the Ebenezer Stone from Burnside At Home last Sunday.
I think this is a tough one today.
The photo for this puzzle was taken at Holy Island, Lindisfarne, which we often visit when we holiday in the ever popular City of Durham.
Eric also shares, on the theme of the Ebenezer Stone of Help, the following photographs of Fantail Falls in New Zealand which Zara visited. This puts the feeble attempts around Portstewart to shame.
A little debate about the tractor yesterday, some thought it was cleaning the sand at the play park in the Crescent, but as Anne commented yesterday, “Tractor is the one on the beach used by National Trust to pull out vehicles which are embedded in the sand.”
This pile of stones has appeared since the Bank Holiday Weekend, but do you know where it is?